Suzy's Store
Volume 2 - Stars 'n' Stuff (Download)
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Space - How big is space?
Stars - Why do stars twinkle?
Gravity - Why do astronauts bounce on the moon?
Rocket - How do rockets work?
Satellite 1 - How does the TV show us something that's happening on the other side of the world?
Sky - Why is the sky blue?
Approximately 60 minutes running time
Download Size: 703MB | Format: MP4
Suzy's World, the popular NZ TV series for 5 - 9 year old that answers kids questions. Presented by Suzy Cato, Suzy's World was designed by teachers in conjunction with the school science curriculum.
It's entertaining, educational and encourages kids to have and active interest in their environment and an awareness of their body.
Visit www.suzy.co.nz for more fun information and activities related to each episode on this Download.