A Day In The Life – of a Police Officer Abilities - not disabilities Animal Care - looking after them Blast From The Past - history of the Royal NZ Police Blogging - safe surfing and use of the internet Boredom - what to do Choice - good verses bad choices Escape - fire drills and escape plans Flood - prepare for and what to do Friendship - what makes a good friend Happy - make the choice to be Help - where to find help Illusions - real verses TV Kids For Kids - kids helping others Neighbourhood - being a good neighbour
Nurture - caring for babies On Track - safety on and around railway tracks Positive Play - what to do if it happens to you Puppy Fat - your daily diet Push Play - keeping active Recycling - keeping NZ clean Rescue - the various services Respect - earing it, keeping it, and regaining Rising Through The Ranks - different roles and ranks within the Royal NZ Police River Safety - safety in and around rivers School Rules - why we need them Teamwork - is needed everywhere Tools - tools are not toys! Walking School Bus - the benefits Wordsworth - the importance of reading
30 x 10 minute programme, each with a strong safety and community awareness for kids on all ages, from their friends Constable Bryan Ward and his police dog 'puppy' Bobby.