Ambulance - the service, staff and care provided Burns - prevention and basic first aid Call Centre - the process after dialling 111 Confident - coping with peer pressure Court - the process for a young witness Death - the grieving process Differences - celebrating our differences Dog’s Life - jobs that dogs have in society Dreams - strategies for dealing with bad dreams Driveway - safety on and around driveways
Earthquake - preparedness Farm Safety - what to be aware of Head Injury - prevention Me - personal responsibility NPT - Neighbourhood Policing Teams Police School - what it takes to be a police officer Role Model - anyone can have a trait you aspire to SNAP - protecting your property with SNAP Trust - earning, keeping and regaining Whanau - all aspects of the word
20 x 10 minute programme, each with a strong safety and community awareness for kids on all ages, from their friends Constable Bryan Ward and his police dog 'puppy' Bobby.